Don’t Let Fear Keep You From Your Dreams

Do you remember the dreams you aspired to obtain when you were a child? Maybe it was in regards to your career, your future family dynamic, or a certain goal. Children dream with no limits–anything can happen/anything is possible when you’re a child. They aren’t tainted with the mindset of “being realistic.”

I know for a fact I don’t have many people who actually read my blog consistently, but if you’re reading this and you have read my other posts, you’d know about my dream to travel. As long as I can remember, I always thought it’d be such a wonderful experience to travel (Especially to Africa…which actually happened back in 2015, but that’s another story). Unfortunately, it was short lived as I became very familiar with being realistic. My dream was still a dream, but it was no longer tangible to me. Therefore it became distant and soon forgotten.

As we get older and get caught up in the swing of our daily routines, we forget all the dreams and aspirations we once had. Why are we accepting our current reality and not working towards what truly fulfills us? The fear of failure. Dreams are seeds from God that He plants in our hearts in hopes to one day watch it come to life. Why ignore what God has placed in your heart and settle for less than what He has planned for you? Just because it’s “not realistic” doesn’t mean it’s not possible.

Don’t limit yourself by giving into your fears.  Choose to live in God’s reality. I know it’s terrifying, but it’s so rewarding! This is only one chapter of your WHOLE life. Wouldn’t you think there are many more to be written? Your story isn’t over yet. In fact, it’s just begun. God will show up for you!

When I was in ministry school, I was encouraged to dream again. I can vividly remember sitting at the very top row of seats of the convention center, just talking with God and having Him reassure me in my dream to travel. Not just to remember my dreams, but to see them as actually possible. It’s an encounter I won’t forget. Why did I ever doubt the reality of my dreams? Oh, well, the answer is simple: fear.

Fear is an evil tactic from the enemy that literally stops you in your tracks of the destiny God has paved out for you. It’s something I honestly still struggle with today, but at least now I am aware of the effect it has on me and I know how to divert it. I let fear keep me from doing a lot of things so I decided to face it head on.As some of you may know, I will be traveling Western Europe for two months in less than 40 days (exciting, I know). I made the decision in my heart that day I was sitting in the top row of the bleachers. I wanted to partner with God and make my dream come true.

Long story short, after ministry school I got an amazing job that allowed me to save money for this dream of mine. Not only am I going to countries I’ve never been before, (let alone speak their language), but I am going by myself. I will be meeting with friends along the way so I can have some guidance and company, but it’s still a huge leap out of my comfort zone. I could easily let fear say, “you’re a female who is going to travel alone to countries you don’t speak the language…have you seen Taken?!” I have seen this movie, but I won’t let fear keep me from doing what I know I need to do.

I’m sure you’re next thought is: is your job letting you leave for two months? Well, I actually got laid off a few months ago, but God is so good! He provided another job right away. It’s a temp job that lasts until the day I leave for my trip. So the answer is: no, I won’t have a job waiting for me when I get back. Crazy as it may seem, but I’m not worried about it at all. When you do life with God, there isn’t much we really need to waste time worrying about. Everything will fall into place as it should. Worry and fear go hand in hand, and I just don’t see a reason for me to stress about what life will be like when I get back. I’m actually excited to figure things out when I get back. I know God’s got me. He always has and He always will. My history with Him is proof that time and time again He is GOOD. He is faithful and He provides. Always.

With all that said, trust God. Don’t lose sight of your dreams no matter how big or small they are. Don’t discard them as unrealistic. If there’s a will, there’s a way. It just takes a little step of faith. God’s with you and He’s for you. He will never forsake you. Kick fear in the face and go after your dreams. Don’t let them just be dreams, but your reality. Create history with God. You’re the only one keeping your dreams from coming true. Take it from someone who is now a little over a month away from living out her dream 😉

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